VIPCA, a USVI non-profit, is well underway in installation of 200 moorings territory-wide. The 100 overnight-use Moorings are available for $35 for up to max 14 consecutive nights. All 200 moorings can be day-use for a donation of $10 paid to the nearest day-use mooring in the app. The public-private partnership with DPNR which facilitated installation of the moorings is dependent on boater community support to encourage proper mooring use and to report damage. 100% of revenue generated by the moorings sustains the moorings, covering cost of liability insurance and annual maintenance, with just $2 per mooring going to Boatyball for the online payment platform. Mooring use is optional with anchoring still available.
How to Pay?
Go to and select “Boater Application”. Create an account and look for confirmation email. After confirming account, enter boat information, acceptance of mooringuse agreement, and payment methods under the account profile. Log into your account at having secured your vessel to a mooring. Then use the application to select a mooring in your current bay. Confirm and pay for the mooring using
Prefer to pay by check?
If you are a frequent day-user of the moorings, you may pay by check to the sum of your annual use, made out to “Moorings” and mail to VIPCA, 5304 Yacht Haven Grande, Suite 105, VI 00802. Overnight use $35 and Day-use $10.
Why not anchor?
The moorings are being installed to help protect the underwater habitats and interrelated ecological systems of coral reefs, seagrass beds, and algal plains from anchors and anchor chains. It is community initiative dependent on both VIPCA members and non-members assisting by paying daily and with thanks to our Bay Managers.
Bay Manager Benefits?
If you would you like to become a Bay Manager and you have frequent transient use of a bay where VIPCA’s moorings are installed then contact [email protected] and you will be offered free access for any Virgin Islands Boatyball mooring that you pick up by day or night, provided that you have done an actual on-the-water survey of your bay and visited yachts/boats whom haven’t registered with Boatyball that day, reporting back to VIPCA weekly and monthly. Each Bay Manager is gifted their annual VIPCA membership, provided a VIPCA T-shirt and health insurance access.