VIPCA’s Year Round Work includes:
- Virgin Islands Youth Training (5-week intensive Marine Apprenticeship)
- 1-year Registered Apprenticeship for 12 young Virgin Islanders providing captains training for USCG OUPV Certification
- Working year-round with VI Government Departments, National Park Service and CBP
- Working with the Governor’s Office and on the Governor’s Taskforces
- Chair of the Governor’s Marine Taskforce
- Member of Restart VI Taskfoce
- Member of Vision 2040 Taskforce
- Director of Workforce Development Board
- VIPCA is recognised as an Eligible Service Provider and is working on producing a Registered Apprenticeship Program with DOL
- Working with the Governor’s Office and on the Governor’s Taskforces
- USVI Marine Infrastructure Development
- Installation of 200 new moorings territory-wide – underway with EDA grant funding
- Year-round international/national/local industry representation
- USVI Charter Yacht Show 4-day event
- Press releases and marketing for the industry
- Same charter broker attendance as the December CCYS
- Inter-Government Liaison and Relations
- Bringing about a CBP Ruling to allow vessels tor charter between USVI and Puerto Rico
- Working with the Governor’s office on licensing requirements for the BVIs